29.04.2012 | 2 pm | Spreepark, Berlin-Treptow
Battle of Berlin 1945
by Maciej Mielecki and Re-enactment groups
The 7th Berlin Biennale has invited Maciej Mielecki and re-enactment groups to stage a re-enactment of the Battle of Berlin 1945. This spectacular battle depicts the defeat of the capital of the Third Reich in April and May 1945 and Berlin’s final surrender. It takes place in public spaces in Berlin and Warsaw, and is re-staged by members of re-enactment groups from Poland representing the Red Army, Polish 1st Army, and German forces. The same scenario is performed in both cities and addressed to the broad public. After the battles take place a documentation of them is presented at Deutschlandhaus. The re-enactments raise questions about the mechanisms of constructing the narrations of national identity of the two neighboring countries.
Video by Jacek Taszakowski
As a “Solidarity Action” with the 7th Berlin Biennale, two re-enactments based on the last battles of the Second World War in April and May in Berlin. [...]More >