07.06.2008 | Dock11, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Saturday, June 7, 8.30 pm
Dock11, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg, Tram M1/M12 Schwedter Strasse
In her solo performance Gold, performance-artist and choreographer Alexandra Bachzetsis explores the proverbial gold standard of the libidinal economy that buttresses contemporary visual culture—the eroticized, empowered female body. Propelled by, among others, a riveting dance track courtesy of Missy Elliott, Kelis, and Khia—a potent symbol of sex-laden female power in her own right— Gold deftly plays around the ambiguous choreographic vernacular of hip hop and R&B: a black-and-tan, tits-and-ass show complete with the obligatory sprinkling of gold dust. Bachzetsis’s solo piece offers a powerful and fully embodied reflection on dance culture, visual pleasure, and the commodification of fantasy. Alexandra Bachzetsis was born in 1974 in Zurich (CH), and lives and works there.