28.09.2011 | Venue: Salon Populaire, Bülowstr. 90, 10783 Berlin
We are glad to highlight the following event by Salon Populaire:
An open discussion about the responsibilities of institutions and artists for the future of contemporary art in Berlin.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 8pm
Salon Populaire, Bülowstr. 90, 10783 Berlin
Over the past months, "To Have and To Need" has established itself as a rhizomatic platform for artists and cultural producers that engage in fostering debates and taking action on issues of cultural and urban politics.
For the fifth evening in a series of open discussions, we address the relationship between different groups in the Berlin art context - institutions as well as individuals -, their respective positions and responsibilities towards the current situation and their vision for the city's future of contemporary art. The recently published "P/Act for Art" newspaper of the 7th Berlin Biennale (1) or the latest bbk position paper (2) may function as a starting points to fathom the proposals and statements made, and to further discuss possible common grounds, diverging interests, and strategies for developing and claiming political voice.
The event will be held entirely in English to enable the numerous international artists, practitioners, gallery and project spaces in Berlin to follow and join the debate.
Participants among others: Stéphane Bauer, Matthew Burbidge, Paolo Caffoni, Libia Castro, Dellbrügge & de Moll, Christian de Lutz, Jean-Ulrick Desert, Joerg Franzbecker, Ulrich Gebauer, Stephan Geene, Alexander Koch, Andreas Koch, Aleksander Komarov, Susanne Kriemann, Pia Lanzinger, Annette Maechtel, Bjørn Melhus, Karolin Meunier, Sonja Ostermann, Karin Rebbert, Katya Sander, Jochen Sandig, Bernd M. Scherer, Katharina Schlieben, Åsa Sonjasdotter, Heinz Stahlhut, Raimar Stange, Madeline Stillwell, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Mathilde ter Heijne, Olivia Plender, Vera Tollmann, Hortensia Völckers, Renate Wagner, Joanna Warsza, Miriam Wiesel.
Organized and moderated by Ellen Blumenstein and Florian Wüst.
(1) www.berlinbiennale.de/blog/en/7th-biennale/pact-for-art
(2) www.bbk-berlin.de/con/bbk/front_content.php?idcat=112