20.03.2008 | Schinkel Pavillon, Oberwallstrasse 1, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Schinkel Pavillon opening: La Lampe dans l’Horloge — Janette Laverrière
Thursday, March 20, 2008 / 7-10 pm
Duration: March 21–April 6, 2008
Schinkel Pavillon, Oberwallstrasse 1, 10117 Berlin-Mitte, U6 Französische Strasse, U2 Hausvogteiplatz
This exhibition, the first of five artist curated solo shows held at the Schinkel Pavillon, was conceived by artist Nairy Baghramian in collaboration with designer Janette Laverrière. Recreating the intimate atmosphere of Laverrière’s flat in Paris, the exhibition presents Laverrière’s mirrors from the series Evocations and a copy of her library, also designed by her, with books that have influenced her through-out her life. Nairy Baghramian’s sculpture, inspired by the work of Janette Laverrière, is on view at the Neue Nationalgalerie as part of the 5th berlin biennial. Janette Laverrière was born in 1909 in Lausanne (CH) and lives and works in Paris (FR). Nairy Baghramian was born in 1971 in Asfahan (IR), she lives and works in Berlin (DE).