11.04.2008 | 7. Produzentengalerie, Schaperstrasse 19, 10719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf
The 7th Produzentengalerie lives: for one night only ...
Friday, April 11, 2008 / 7 pm-midnight
7. Produzentengalerie, Schaperstrasse 19, 10719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf, U3/U9 Spichernstrasse
Dieter Hacker reconstructs the exhibition Alles ganz große Scheiße!! Dokumente einer Blockade (die Zeitungen der Frau B.) (All Big Shit!! Documents of a Blockade [the newspapers of Ms. B.]), which he originally opened on April 11, 1974 in his Produzentengalerie. As in the 1974 exhibition, reconstructed here in its original space (but for one night only), the gallery is filled with the newspapers of a certain Ms. B, an ordinary citizen, who scribbled her copious and biting comments on the media and the world events reported in it directly on newspapers, day after day. The exhibition offers a unique view onto the period and the blurring of art and everyday life, while also paying homage to the aims of the 7th Produzentengalerie, which from 1971 to 1984, sought to reflect on artists’ working conditions and to imagine possible alternatives for a new “people’s art.” Dieter Hacker was born 1942 in Augsburg (DE), he lives and works in Berlin (DE).