Alexander von Humboldt's walking stick at the Botanical Museum, Berlin-Dahlem, copyright: I. Haas, Botanischer Garten and Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem
04.07.2014 | 12.45pm, Botanisches Museum und Museen Dahlem – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
The Citizen of the World – A segment of "Double Lives"
Walter Lack and Natasha Ginwala
Guided tour in English
The Humboldt scholar Walter Lack, from the Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, introduces Alexander von Humboldt's rare plant specimens and manuscript collections within the framework of the research project Double Lives, conceived by Juan A. Gaitán's artistic team member Natasha Ginwala. The tour continues from the Botanical Museum to the Museen Dahlem, where visitors can view the presentation of Double Lives within the 8th Berlin Biennale.
Botanisches Museum and Museen Dahlem – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Meeting point entrance of Botanisches Museum,
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8, 14195 Berlin
Fee 8 € (in addition of 8th Berlin Biennale ticket)