06.05.2008 | Werkbundarchiv — Museum der Dinge, Oranienstrasse 25, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
The Night of Things—theoretical and practical approaches
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 / 8 pm
Werkbundarchiv — Museum der Dinge, Oranienstrasse 25, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg, U1/U8 Kottbusser Tor
Q: Why are artworks things rather than mere products, objects, items, fetishes, and/or commodities? A: Because of their “enigmaticalness” – their partaking in the great secrets of the World of Things. Thing Theories. On Thingness and/in the Work of Art, Lecture by Dieter Roelstraete. Followed by: The Night of Thing-Elucidation, Everything you ever wanted to know about things. Closing discussion moderated by Renate Flagmeier (curator, WBA–MDD). The discussion could not have a more appropriate locate; use the occasion to surround yourself with things at the Werkbundarchiv—Museum der Dinge which exhibits the achievements of modernity in thrilling dialogue with the banalities of everyday life. Dieter Roelstraete is a philosopher, curator and author of an essay in the 5th berlin biennal catalogue. He was born in 1972 in Belgium, lives and works in Berlin (DE). A 5th berlin biennial and Werkbundarchiv—Museum der Dinge cooperation.