P/Act for Art
by Istituto Svizzero di Roma
P/Act for Art is a freely distributed newspaper, published for the first time in Autumn 2011 in Berlin, in the ambit of the 7. Berlin Biennale. The Istituto Svizzero di Roma, together with other European entities, has recently undertaken a series of solidarity actions to explore the effects of art in society and the connections with current social and political situations. The journal you are holding comes out of this collaborative project: it is an instrument to reflect critically upon the cultural policies, artistic production and the institutions of Rome.
At the crossroads of three experiments and latitudes – Rome, Switzerland, Berlin – we want to contribute to the debate in which artistic and political practices converge and act, as has happened in the case of the occupation of Teatro Valle, whose effects on the imaginary are widely documented in this publication.
This publication is a map we feel is necessary, a possible beginning seen not as an origin, which is always mysterious and divine, but as the first step of an action that has to be pursued. Most new forms, forms of life, forms of art, arise not starting from scratch, but as slowly derived results of a previous form. We hope the final word of this publication will be the start of a necessary process of rewriting of the rules, of reform of our institutions, of redefinition of our roles, our common weal, our priorities. A new pact and a new action for art.
by Salvatore Lacagnina
You can download the newspaper here.
Solidarity Action #1: Istituto Svizzero di Roma
Right from the start the Istituto Svizzero di Roma (Swiss Institute in Rome) decided that our gesture in solidarity with the 7th Berlin Biennale should not be limited to a single project, but should invest the entire life of our institution. [...]More >

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