08.06.2008 | Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum, Kommandantenstraße / Neue Grünstraße, 10969 Berlin-Kreuzberg
noize machine tour truckers roadshow
Sunday, June 8, 2008 / 8 pm
Skulpturenpark Berlin_Zentrum, Kommandantenstrasse / Neue Grünstrasse, 10969 Berlin-Kreuzberg, U2 Spittelmarkt
Noize Machine tour truckers roadshow is a mobile exhibition/concert space built up around a tent, two trucks, and loads of sound equipment, sculptures, and machines. In the surroundings of the inner city, the contrast of function and aesthetics benefits the idea of a mechanism hosting messy ambitions transferred into sound. Rotating speakers, modulated turntables, solar sound modules, and many other things are directed into a composition based on random yet strict principles. The sound installation will run throughout the day; in the evening hours, it will turn into a live performance. The installation is by Vinyl-Terror & -horror, founded in 2003, and Dr. Nexus.