31.05.2012 | 7 pm | Istituto Svizzero, Rom
Art. Back to politics
by Istituto Svizzero di Roma
The launch of the P/Act for Art, a newspaper published and free distributed between Rome and Berlin during the 7. Berlin Biennale, will take place on Thursday 31 of May at the La Sapienza University of Rome.
This event is organized together to the 5. edition of the Notte Bianca of La Sapienza, an initiative organized by students where debates, screening, expo and meetings starting from 5pm and all through the night will open the university campus to the city.
Starting from the 7. Berlin Biennale, Salvatore Lacagnina will introduce the issue about art and politics. Pascal Janovjak, who is a member of the Istituto Svizzero di Roma, will describe the work of the Palestinian artist Khaled Jarrar exposed in the 7BB. Then Teresa Macrì will introduce the project of the Mexican artist Teresa Margolles. Cornelia Lauf will speak about the current and the future relationships between contemporary art, education and institutions.
This meeting aims to interweave the researchers started in Berlin and Rome during the past months together with the experience of the student’s collective of Humanities of the La Sapienza University, starting from politics to rethink the contemporary art and the educational system.
More information: http://www.solidarityaction.istitutosvizzero.it/?p=932&lang=en
Solidarity action: “Draftsmen’s Congress” in Rome